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Terminal Blues, A POWDER Tileset in CP437

Terminal Blues, a custom tileset for the game POWDER. Featuring:
- Terrain, monsters and items are entirely within Code Page 437
- (??? Heresy) Spell icons completely in 14px pixel-art
- Custom fonts: Blightbulb and Eclipse!
- Questionable colourblind support

Link to game:
Link to tileset:

Banner (3x)

Banner (3x)

Village Under Siege (3x)

Village Under Siege (3x)

The Big B (3x)

The Big B (3x)

Mass Mage (Spelling Reformed) (3x)

Mass Mage (Spelling Reformed) (3x)

rEkkkT? (3x)

rEkkkT? (3x)

Font: Blightbulb (4x)

Font: Blightbulb (4x)

Font: Eclipse (4x)

Font: Eclipse (4x)

1.1: Spell Wheel (3x)

1.1: Spell Wheel (3x)